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“As Ethiopia has a different count of dates Christmas was not in December for us, but beginning of January. New Year’s Eve is in September, so this period was not a holiday period like in Europe. Unfortunately I couldn’t spend Christmas with my wife and two daughters as I was in Edinburgh for the cross country.”

“On my way there we had a stop in London to go and watch the Olympic Village for London 2012. It looked impressive. The Olympic village is only 5 minutes away from the stadium and that is great! The stadium looks good and it was a nice experience, as you suddenly realize that London 2012 is not so far anymore. It motivated me to think about training and competitions towards the Olympic Games.”

“On the other hand it was interesting to see the construction workers building such big projects, as I am currently building a hotel in Addis Ababa myself. It takes a lot of my time when I am not training, I have to meet with all people involved in this project, but have to decide on designs and fabrics for the interior as well.”

“The time in Britian was a bit crazy as it was really cold with lots of snow. I didn’t feel good in the competition as I couldn’t train in the days before and due to the cold and snow my body was not responding. I didn’t feel good about that race, but it is still early and I go back to Ethiopia now to prepare for the indoor season.”

“I will be running in the indoor meetings in Birmingham and Lievin. I really look forward to some fast races! Last few months I have been training with my brother Tariku again, I am happy that he his back again after his injury. I don’t like to train alone, I am used to train in the hills outside Addis Ababa and I like his company and support.”




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